I’ve always been curious about the power of the mind and what makes us tick. From a young age, I bought every personal development book I could get my hands on and studied many different psychological approaches. I realised early on that attitude is everything.
Mind is the source of the world’s biggest and smallest problems and the source of all solutions. And when insecurity, stress or overwhelm hijacks the senses, we lose perspective. Confidence and compassion goes awol. We stop listening and make poor (or no) decisions. But when the mind is more settled, we can think more clearly, ideas flow, we listen and can connect more deeply. And we can help others do the same.
After 16 years working in organisations, I set up my own company and eventually moved into the field of applied psychology where I studied and taught Neuro linguistic programming, as well as CBT and other modalities. Then in 2009 my learning took another leap when I began to study the inside-out nature of reality. It helped to make sense of all the unanswered questions I had about my own struggles and those of my clients.
I love supporting people from all walks of life and from all over the world..whether it’s as a mentor, consultant, coach or speaker. I’ve been doing this work for 25 years and every day is a school day! I love that we can keep learning and be surprised with what we can discover in a moment of insight.
In 2015 I set up the Conscious Leadership School as an alternative to traditional leadership development. In our sessions we put aside our ‘roles” and all those labels we hold about ourselves. In that space of being together and just being human, miraculous things happen.
I’ve had the privilege of supporting hundreds of people directly and through our seminars, helping people to recognise and remove the mental noise and interference that gets in the way of being naturally compassionate, clear headed, creative and courageous. These are some of the innate qualities we come into the world with. And we need them so much right now.
I’ve written two books. The newly published ‘bulletproof: be fearless and resilient – no matter what’, as well as bestselling book ‘Instant Motivation – The surprising truth behind what really drives top performance’.
I love supporting local resilience, through community projects. One of these is a thriving community choir – the Sopwell Singers. What else could be more fun than getting together with an amazing bunch of people and singing and laughing.
Being in nature is another passion. Nothing better than enjoying the beauty of simple things like big walks with friends, and with our cheeky pooches.
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Chantal Burns – All rights reserved.
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